Game Developer in Unreal Engine

About the Projects 

The following projects are mini games made in Unreal Engine, their programming was done with Blueprints and a little C++ code.

For the optimization of the games, the following was done: 

Optimization by LOD´s (Level Of Detail) - this means that is based on variable distance an object complexity, or textures resolution will gradually decrease in order to potimize performance. 

Merge Actors - this tool was used to reduce draw calls and lighting builds. 

The project file are available for download in Windows and Mac, in them you can play the game like this in the video.. - To download the project, please copy the files found in the folder to your desktop, then double click on the file ending in .exe or with the Unreal logo. 

If you have any questions, please contact me

Project: Maze Madness

Project: Maze Madness

In this game a Classic Arcade is played. The interactive objects was made using Blueprints Scripting, The Enemy has AI, the game has interactive menus and a game HUD. 

The presentation have slow motion, animation scores, flashing text, etc. The levels are infinite. 

You can save the game and store the Top Scores, as well as notify you when you broke a record. 

The main character and enemies were modeled and designed in Unreal Engine

Project: Froiland

Project: Froiland

In this game, a hyper realistic 3D environment with AAA quality was created, using some elements of Infinity Blade, as well as creating their own according to the needs of the level. 

For the programming the Blueprints were used and for some actions it was used in C++ code within Unreal Engine. The game has an interface, death event, sound, tectures, particles, the enemy has AI that is capable of chasing us, there is a main menu of the game and it also has graphic configuration options. 

The game takes place in 5 levels.